Betphoenix Com is their flagship website however the company operates a number of Sportsbooks which include BetMania and Skybook. All are under the jurisdiction of Costa Rica and operate from San Jose, Costa Rica. has an extremely user friendly interface making the registration process very quick and easy. It takes just 1 – 2.

I am writing this in hope that 1) Betphoenix will resolve the issue with me 2) Help others from getting scammed.

I was made aware of Betphoenix by a friend, and after researching into the site, I found both their lines and the live casino to be appealing.After verifying with that they were a B+ rated sportsbook, I decided to give them some business and opened an account with them.On November 18, I deposited $1000 via my credit card, which showed being processed by for $999.99.I then called customer support to inquire how I can deposit more funds.One thing led to another, I was made aware of BP's agent/credit.Keep in mind that I was sent directly to them by calling directly into BP's 1-800 number.

BetPhoenix is Sportsbook, Live Casino, Virtual Casino, Lottery & Racebook.All in one! Whether you prefer the adrenaline of sports betting, the excitement of horse racing or the exhilaration that only a casino can offer, we have it all! The best online sports betting! is licensed by the Lotteries.

Over the course of 1-2 weeks after doing a bit more research (part of which involved me talking to one of BP's senior management via skype - name 'JP' who's skype name I can release for verification), I decided that I wanted to become BP's agent, thinking that I was dealing with a reputable company.I became an agent with Betphoenix's pay per-head site (through Navy who I spoke with directly after calling into the sportsbook). I took their offer to deposit money in return for credit that I can give out to my friends and myself, in exchange for 30% of NET Profit (agent account PBAxxxx). I decided to deposited an additional $11,000 for 12k credit line (with the remaining $1000 being transferred over from my online account).Navy at first gave me the option to Western Union them money, but I wanted to know if there was a better route.He then told me that they had a runner in Houston, which was a 4hour drive from where I live in Dallas - so I took that option.


I drove 4 hours down to Houston and met up with their runner Ricky, who's mother Mimi works at BP, whom I met that night as well.I told her I'm interested in being a part of BP, and want to build a good relationship with them that I can take to Macau, Macau in 2010 when I was going to move there for about a year, and can hopefully help them expand their business reach there.Mimi looked me straight in the eye across the table and said 'We're a good company and will take care of you.'Total BS!

Long story short, I gave Ricky $11,000 to combine with my original $1000 that I deposited via BP's website for a total of $12,000 credit line, which was divided into 2 accounts, one for $10k balance and another for $2k, with the agreement that we will not settle balance until we're either +/- $3000.The total winnings for the accounts in four weeks were, with the 1st week starting November 23rd:

Week 1: -922

Week 2: -1408

Week 3: 7087


Week 4: 8075

After the 4th week, I decided I to withdraw my deposits and my player's winnings to compensate them, a total sum of $24,470. I also told Navy that I have to withdraw my funds to get set to move to Macau, and I will get back in touch with them once I'm there (since Navy said they had a runner in Macau as well).Initially, they did not even want to pay me that. They claimed that I had to absorb 30% of my player's winnings as losses, which I fought by saying that they did not tell me that when I agreed to the deal, and that if that was the case, it makes no business sense to do the deal since if my players do not pay out, I still have to pay... so I'd be giving them 70% of my business for nothing. They decided I have a case, so they agreed.

Betphoenix Com

On December 23, I had arranged to meet with Ricky to pick up my funds, and here is what happened:

Step 1:

I was suppose to meet up with Ricky to pick up funds. However, I was busy and called Ricky to ask him if I can arrange for my brother to meet him up. He said he will call me when the funds are ready with an answer. End of conversation.

Step 2 (approximately 1 hour later):

His mother Mimi calls and informs me that I need to provide a password before picking up the funds, and I said OK - end of conversation.

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Step 3 (30 minutes later):

I called Ricky to ask if the funds are ready, and he said my brother had called, arranged for a meeting at a Best Buy - they met, my brother gave the password, took the money, and left.

I instantly said that's impossible because I have not even arranged for anything since the funds were not even ready and I did not even get any kind of confirmation. I then asked Ricky why did he not confirm the arrangement with me by calling me at my contact number (which should be a requirement), and he claimed that when he met with my brother, he asked my brother to put me on the phone, then confirmed it was me via 'my brothers' phone, and gave the funds. I have spoken with Ricky once - how can he recognize what I sound like over some stranger's phone.Why would he not call me on my contact number (which BP has on file) to confirm anything?And why would he arrange for the entire process without speaking with me first, or getting my approval?

I then called into the company to speak with them. I asked them what are their guidelines/safeguard/double-security check to verify the transaction before releasing the funds (or at least contact the agent at his number to obtain the password and permission to release the funds as a 2ndary verification), and they said that as long as the password is provided, the funds are released. That simple! They did not verify anything else, nor did they even bother to call me at any point in the transaction. I had to call them to find out the funds were gone.

I'm not going to make any accusations yet, but if they're going to release my password to the runner, and then claim that it's the only thing that is needed to release the funds, and never contact me at my number to conduct the transactions, how can they claim this to be a legitimate transaction??So it's now a 'your word against our word' and 'we've been doing this for a long time and are not going to cheat you.'

If by me saying 'I'm going to arrange for my brother to pickup the funds' is enough for the funds to be released without me being involved any further or knowing about it, then how is this fair or safe? Furthermore, how can a reputable company not have any recorded call of me giving them permission to release my funds?If this is how BetPhoenix treats a $25k withdrawal, then how can they be a B+ rated book with such crappy security measures?

So now, I've been scammed by a B+ rated book for $25,000.I sent a complaint to SBR and email to Bill Dozer, and have received no help.Everything I've said is documented, including my original BP account, my deposit, the wagers, and my complaint with BP.However they have NO RECORDS of me authorizing the release of my funds!So unless I recover my funds, I will make it my long-term mission that this scam is exposed to all players so that no one else is scammed by this so called B+ rated sportsbook.

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Please, someone, help me.